186 Co Rd KS
Marquette Michigan 49855
Located in Big Bay Michigan
Independence Cottage
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About Us - Ed & Lisa Churnetski

We are the cottage owners, Ed & Lisa Churnetski, our home is in East Tennessee. I (Lisa) spent most of my life in Marquette County. I graduated in 1996 from Michigan Tech with an engineering degree which resulted in career opportunities in another state. In 2003, again a career opportunity, I moved to East Tennessee where I meet Ed.
The summer of 2003 I took Ed to Big Bay and he experienced as he said “his first time swimming in the Great Inland Sea, Lake Superior, fulfilling a childhood dream”.
In 2006 the cottage property became available and my Michigan roots and Ed’s love for the Copper Country we decided to become property/business owners in Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
We have had to make adjustments as rising costs have resulted in a price increase.
We continue to make the cottage a place we can escape to for relaxation. We hope you find the cottage comfortable and relaxing, a place you will always remember with fond memories.